Treći LOOP projektni sastanak u Geli, na Siciliji

Treći LOOP projektni sastanak u Geli, na Siciliji

Od 27. veljače do 3. ožujka 2022. profesorice Sanja Vrhovec Vučemilović i Marijana Žgela Putniković bile su na trećem međunarodnom sastanku Erasmus+ projekta LOOP, Living Opportunities for Our Planet, u Geli, na Siciliji. Razmijenile su iskustva s ostalim partnerima na projektu koji traje od rujna 2019. Osim V. gimnazije u projekt su uključene dvije škole s Cipra, iz Omodosa i Limassola te iz Gele na Siciliji, zatim Rudarsko-geološko-naftni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, FEEM (Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei), te Talijanska obrazovna agencija Civicamente. Razgovaralo se o realiziranim ishodima projekta te o susretu partnera i učenika koji je zakazan za svibanj 2022. na Cipru.

U Geli su nam domaćini bili kolege iz srednje škole ‘Elio Vittorini’, a posjetili smo eksperimentalne pogone postrojenja Eni za preradu biootpada, arheološke ostatke u nalazištu Villa Romana del Casale i grad Caltagirone u blizini aktivnog vulkana Etne.

Upravo je u tijeku vrednovanje rada učenika u međunarodnim istraživačkim skupinama  (IO6) na teme kružnog gospodarstva: redukcija, recikliranje, redizajn i ponovna upotreba proizvoda. Učenici su na zadane teme izradili 8 mikro-mrežnih stranica koje sadrže brojne informativne i kreativne video uratke, tekstove i vizualne materijale.

3rd LOOP project meeting in Gela, Sicily

From February 27 to March 3, 2022, professors Sanja Vrhovec Vučemilović and Marijana Žgela Putniković were at the 3rd international meeting of the Erasmus+ project LOOP, Living Opportunities for Our Planet, in Gela, Sicily. They exchanged experiences with other partners in the project that started in September 2019. In addition to V. gimnazija, the project includes two schools from Omodos and Limassol in Cyprus, and Gela in Sicily, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, University of Zagreb, FEEM (Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei), and the Italian educational agency Civicamente. The outcomes of the project and the meeting of partners and students scheduled for May 2022 in Cyprus were discussed.

Our hosts in Gela were colleagues from high school ‘Elio Vittorini’. During our stay we visited the Eni experimental plant for biowaste processing, the archaeological remains at the Villa Romana del Casale and the city of Caltagirone in the vicinity of the active Etna volcano.

The evaluation of students’ work in international research groups (IO6) on circular economy is currently under way. The topics are reduction, recycling, redesign and reuse. Students have created 8 micro-web pages on the given topics, which contain numerous informative and creative videos, texts and visual materials.