Peta gimnazija je koordinator Erasmus+ KA2 projekta Green STEM (Green Science Teaching Materials for Digital Learning) koji je krenuo ove jeseni i trajat će tri godine.
Naši partneri su ŠC Celje, Gimnazija LAVA, Gimnazija Algoritam i Colegiul Național Dragos Vodă Câmpulung Moldovenesc.
Naglasak projekta je na interdsiciplinarnosti predmeta poput Kemije, Biologije i Matematike, Povijesti i Likovne umjetnosti te predmeta Informatika i Etika. Rezultati projekta su digitalna platforma na kojoj će se naći svi materijali koji proiziđu iz projekta, kurikulum za nove predmete Numeričko modeliranje i Geofizika i nadopuna kurikuluma za Financijsku pismenost s financijskom matematikom, mobilna aplikacija za profesore Tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture i radni materijali za učenike i nastavnike.
Raspisali smo natječaj za logo projekta i učenica iz Rumunjske, Ada Radu je dala najbolju ideju. Naši učenici Matea Mandić (4.a) i Nikola Kovačević (4.b) su doradili ideju, a grafičku pripremu i završni izgled napravila je bivša učenica Mia Vučemilović.
Uz Project Managment paket, projekt ima 4 paketa: STEM 1 (voditeljica je prof. Zrinka Pongrac Štimac), STEM2 (voditeljica je prof. Katarina Tolić), Humanistički paket (voditeljica je prof. Karolina Ujaković) i paket Moderne tehnologije (voditeljica je prof. Snježana Pervan Primorac). Koordinatorica projekta je prof. Ana Plavetić.
Ovaj tjedan smo imali početni sastanak s našim partnerima o čemu vas sutra detaljno izvijestimo.
The fifth high school is the coordinator of the Erasmus+ KA2 project Green STEM (Green Science Teaching Materials for Digital Learning), which started this fall and will last for three years.
Our partners are ŠC Celje, Gimnazija LAVA, Gimnazija Algoritam i Colegiul Național Dragos Vodă Câmpulung Moldovenesc.
The emphasis of the project is on the interdisciplinarity of subjects such as Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics, History and Fine Arts, as well as the subjects Informatics and Ethics. The results of the project are a digital platform that will contain all the materials resulting from the project, the curriculum for the new subjects Numerical Modeling and Geophysics and supplementing the curriculum for Financial Literacy with financial mathematics, a mobile application for teachers of Physical and Health Education and work materials for students and teachers.
We announced a competition for the logo of the project and a student from Romania, Ada Radu, gave the best idea. Our students Matea Mandić (4.a) and Nikola Kovačević (4.b) refined the idea, and former student Mia Vučemilović did the graphic preparation and final look.
In addition to the Project Management package, the project has 4 packages: STEM 1 (the package manager is Prof. Zrinka Pongrac Štimac), STEM2 (the manager is prof. Katarina Tolić), the Humanities package (the manager is prof. Karolina Ujaković) and the Modern Technology package (the manager is prof. Snježana Pervan Primorac The coordinator of the project is prof. Ana Plavetić.
This week we had a kick-off meeting with our partners, which we will report to you in detail tomorrow.