U Erasmus+ K2 projektu LOOP, Living Opportunities for Our Planet, sudjeluje preko 100 učenika iz triju europskih zemalja, Hrvatske, Italije i Cipra, (V. gimnazija Zagreb, učenici 3.b i 3.e; A’ Technical and Vocational School of Education and Training Lemesos iz Limassola; Liceo Scientifico, Linguistico e di Scienze Applicate “Elio Vittorini” iz Gele; te Scholi Omodous iz Omodosa ), koji pod vodstvom profesora-mentora iz svojih škola te partnerskih institucija FEEM – Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei i Obrazovne agencije Civicamente, oboje iz Italije, te Rudarsko-geološko-naftnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, trenutno ostvaruju zadatke iz faze IO6: Međunarodna istraživanja.
U 8 međunarodnih skupina obrađuju se teme recikliranja, redizajna, redukcije i ponovne upotrebe. Unutar svake skupine učenici imaju 4 zadatka: snimiti 3 video isječka, napisati sažetak o temi, napraviti 2 videa koji govore o provedenim intervjuima te pripremiti dodatni slikovni materijal. Na platformi projekta u odjelu Outputs, već se nalaze rezultati rada iz prethodne faze, izrade i analize anketa i provedenih intervjua sa stručnim suradnicima iz raznih područja života i rada. Aktivnosti se nastavljaju… U privitku su i fotografije s rada na projektu te posjeta izložbama dizajna Muzeja za umjetnost i obrt: ‘M. Vulpe: Dekodiranje’ i ‘M. Glaser’ tijekom 1. polugodišta. Uskoro će se održati 3. međunarodni projektni sastanak partnera u mjestu Gela na Siciliji.
Pripremila Sanja Vrhovec Vučemilović, prof.


The Erasmus+ K2 project LOOP, Living Opportunities for Our Planet, includes over 100 students from three European countries, Croatia, Italy and Cyprus, (V. gimnazija Zagreb, students of 3b i 3e; A’ Technical and Vocational School of Education and Training Lemesos from Limassol; Liceo Scientifico, Linguistico e di Scienze Applicate “Elio Vittorini” from Gela; and Scholi Omodous from Omodos), who under the guidance of their teachers and mentors and project partners, FEEM – Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei and Civicamente Education Agency, both from Italy, and the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, University of Zagreb, Croatia, are completing their assignments from project phase IO6: International Research.
In 8 international groups students are working on the topics of recycling, redesign, reduction and reuse. Within each group, they have 4 tasks: to make 3 video clips, write a summary of the topic, create 2 videos that present the conducted interviews and prepare additional visual material. On the project platform in the Outputs section, you can already find the results of work on the previous phase, the conducted and analysed surveys and interviews with experts from various fields of life and work. The activities are ongoing… Attached are photos from work on the project and from visits to the design exhibitions at the Zagreb Museum of Arts and Crafts: ‘M. Vulpe: Decoding’ and ‘M. Glaser’, which took place in autumn 2021. The 3rd International Project Meeting of the LOOP partners will be held soon in Gela, Sicily.
Prepared by Sanja Vrhovec Vučemilović, prof.