Erasmus+ K2 projekt LOOP, Living Opportunities for Our Planet, uključuje preko 100 učenika iz triju europskih zemalja, Hrvatske, Italije i Cipra, koji pod vodstvom profesora-mentora zahvaljujući posebnoj platformi učenja “Upoznaj i nauči” ostvaruju mnoštvo ishoda u različitim fazama projekta tijekom njegova trogodišnjeg trajanja, od 2019. do 2022. godine. Osim V. GIMNAZIJE ZAGREB (razredi 3.b i 3.e) škole partneri su: A’ TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING LEMESOS iz Limassola (Cipar), LICEO SCIENTIFICO, LINGUISTICO E DI SCIENZE APPLICATE “ELIO VITTORINI” iz Gele (Italija) i SCHOLI OMODOUS (OMODOS SCHOOL) iz Omodosa (Cipar). Partneri na projektu su FEEM – Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei i Obrazovna agencija Civicamente, oboje iz Italije, te Rudarsko-geološko-naftni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
Cilj projekta je otkriti kako kružna ekonomija temeljena na principu redizajniranja, redukcije, recikliranja i ponovne uporabe u svakodnevnoj praksi, na mikroekonomskoj i osobnoj razini te na makroekonomskoj i industrijskoj razini, može utjecati na neposrednu budućnost našeg planeta, posebno na 17 ciljeva održivog razvoja koje su utvrdili Ujedinjeni narodi u dokumentu United Nations Sustainability Agenda (SDG2030).
Kružno gospodarstvo put je izlaska iz spirale neučinkovitosti koja danas ozbiljno narušava prirodnu, ekonomsku i društvenu ravnotežu na Zemlji. Stoga napuštanje linearnog i uvođenje kružnog gospodarstva mora postati sastavnica poučavanja i učenja u obrazovnim institucijama. Primjerice, način na koji koristimo energiju, plastiku, prijevozna sredstva, kućnu rasvjetu, ali i prehrambenu i industrijsku ambalažu ima važan učinak na klimu, ljudsko zdravlje, život unutar i izvan mora.
Projekt LOOP ima za cilj potaknuti učenike na istraživanje tih međuodnosa pretvarajući ih u konkretne projektne zadatke, dokumentarne eseje i video-uratke koje će učenici realizirati međusobnom suradnjom i uz vodstvo mentora.
Metode rada na projektu uključuju:
- Digitalno okruženje za učenje i suradnju
- Međunarodnu razmjenu stručnih znanja i iskustava u nastavi
- E-učenje putem web seminara za nastavnike-mentore
- Obrnutu učionicu i interaktivnu nastavu
- Znanstvenu e-knjižnicu
- Radionicu dokumentarnog filma
- Mobilnost učenika
Učenici od 2020. vrijedno rade kako bi postigli gore navedene važne ciljeve. Snimili su video uratke Elevator Pitch u kojima su predstavili sebe i svoje škole, objasnili održivost i razgovarali o aktivnostima ‘kružnog gospodarstva’ koje oni, njihove obitelji i prijatelji poduzimaju kako bi zaštitili okoliš. Uslijedio je proces e-učenja na LOOP platformi koji je uključivao prezentacije, razgovore, rasprave, debate i projektne radove. U nacionalnim skupinama učenice i učenici proveli su ankete i interpretirali rezultate, organizirali i obavili intervjue sa stručnjacima iz mnogih područja života i rada. Od jeseni 2021. učenici rade u 8 međunarodnih grupa i snimaju video zapise na odabrane teme, a predan rad se nastavlja…
The Erasmus+ K2 project LOOP, Living Opportunities for Our Planet, includes over 100 students from three European countries, Croatia, Italy and Cyprus, who have already achieved many outcomes in different phases of the project under the guidance of their teachers and mentors and the special learning platform “Meet and Learn” during its three-year term from 2019 to 2022. In addition to V. GIMNAZIJA ZAGREB (classes 3b and 3e), the partner schools are: A’ TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING LEMESOS from Limassol (Cyprus), LICEO SCIENTIFICO, LINGUISTICO E DI SCIENZE APPLICATE “ELIO VITTORINI” from Gela (Italy) and SCHOLI OMODOUS (OMODOS SCHOOL) from Omodos (Cyprus). The project partners are the following institutions: FEEM – Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei and Civicamente Education Agency, both from Italy, and the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, University of Zagreb, Croatia.
The aim of the project is to discover how the circular economy based on the principle of redesign, reduction, recycling and reuse in everyday practice, at the microeconomic and personal level and at the macroeconomic and industrial level, can affect the immediate future of our planet. Especially aiming at the 17 goals of sustainable development established by the United Nations in the United Nations Sustainability Agenda (SDG2030).
The circular economy is a way out of the spiral of inefficiency that is seriously disrupting the natural, economic and social balance on Earth today. Therefore, the abandonment of the linear and the introduction of the circular economy must become an integral part of teaching and learning in educational institutions. For example, the way we use energy, plastics, means of transport, home lighting, but also food and industrial packaging has an important effect on the climate, human health, life inside and outside the sea.
The LOOP project aims to encourage students to explore these interrelationships by turning them into concrete project assignments, documentary essays and videos that students will realise through collaboration with each other and under the guidance of their mentors and expert institutions.
Project work methods include:
- Digital environment for learning and collaboration
- International exchange of professional knowledge and experience in teaching
- E-learning through webinars for teacher-mentors
- Flipped classroom and interactive teaching
- Scientific e-library
- Documentary film workshop
- Student mobility
The students have been working hard from 2020 to achieve the important outcomes mentioned above. They have produced Elevator Pitch videos where they introduced themselves and their schools, explained sustainability and talked about what ‘circular economy’ activities they and their families and friends do to protect the environment. This was followed by a series of elearning practices on the LOOP platform including presentations, talks, discussions, debates and project work. In national groups they conducted surveys and interpreted the results, organised and carried out interviews with experts in many spheres of life and industry. Recently, students have been working in 8 international groups and producing video clips about their assigned topics, and the good work continues…