Erasmus+ K2 projekt CiELO, Circular Economy Lab & Observatory (Laboratorij i opservatorij kružne ekonomije) uključuje oko 150 učenika iz četiriju europskih zemalja, Hrvatske (V. gimnazija Zagreb), Italije (Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale ‘Guido Donegani’, Crotone), Litve (Domeikava gymnasium, Kaunas) i Rumunjske (Liceul Teoretic ‘Sfantu Nicolae’, Gheorgeni), koji pod vodstvom profesora-mentora na posebnoj platformi učenja “CORE” ostvaruju mnoštvo ishoda u različitim fazama projekta tijekom njegova trogodišnjeg trajanja, od 2020. do 2023. godine. Osim škola, partneri na projektu su FEEM – Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei i Obrazovna agencija Civicamente iz Italije te Rudarsko-geološko-naftni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Ukupni projektni proračun iznosi oko 400,000 eura. U V. gimnaziji projekt vode prof. Sanja Vrhovec Vučemilović i prof. Svjetlana Vorel te Zrinka Pongrac Štimac i Marijana Žgela Putniković, kao stručne savjetnice. U projektu sudjeluju učenici 2.b i 2.f razreda. Projekt završava 31.08.2023.
Cilj projekta je produbiti znanja učenika o kružnom gospodarstvu (redesign, reduction, recycling, reuse), a posebno o načinu funkcioniranja procesa sanacije tla i voda putem obrazovnih i laboratorijskih aktivnosti te stvoriti zajedničku europsku digitalnu mrežu za razmjenu stručnih znanja i iskustava u nastavi, e-učenjem putem web seminara za nastavnike-mentore i učenike (eKnjižnica), metodom obrnute učionice i interaktivnom nastavom, mobilnošću učenika i nastavnika, izradom CORE ePlatforme i mape znanja. Projekt se temelji na dokumentu United Nations Sustainability Agenda (SDG2030) i nastavlja se na Erasmus+ projekt LOOP u kojem je V. gimnazija partner već treću godinu, a prethodila su mu još dva Erasmus+ projekta o očuvanju okoliša, NECST (A New Energy Culture – Sustainability and Territories) i ALL (Aquatic Life Lab).
Projekt CiELO ima za cilj potaknuti učenike na istraživanje složenih međuodnosa života na Zemlji u cilju očuvanja, odnosno postizanja ekološke ravnoteže pretvarajući ih u konkretne projektne zadatke, dokumentarne eseje i video-uratke koje će učenici realizirati međusobnom suradnjom i uz vodstvo mentora.
Metode rada na projektu uključuju:
• Učenje i suradnju na projektnoj digitalnoj platformi nastavnika i mentora
• Izradu učeničkih video uradaka pod nazivom ‘Elevator Pitch’
• E-učenje putem platforme za učenike
• Obrnutu učionicu i interaktivnu nastavu
• Terenska istraživanja učenika u nacionalnim timovima (National digital dossiers)
• Terensku nastavu za učenike u međunarodnim timovima i izradu video-uradaka
• Mobilnost učenika
Dolje su fotografije CiELO platforme i partnera te snimke s prvog online sastanka u prosincu 2020.
Pripremila prof. Sanja Vrhovec Vučemilović
The Erasmus+ K2 project CiELO, Circular Economy Lab & Observatory includes about 150 high school students from four European countries, Croatia (5th Gymnasium, Zagreb), Italy (Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale ‘Guido Donegani’, Crotone), Lithuania (Domeikava gymnasium, Kaunas) and Romania (Liceul Teoretic ‘Sfantu Nicolae’, Gheorgeni), who are under the guidance of teachers-mentors and via the special learning platform “CORE” trying to achieve the set outcomes in different phases of the project. The period of work is 3 years, from 2020 to 2023. In addition to schools, the project partners are FEEM – Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei and the Educational Agency Civicamente from Italy and the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, University of Zagreb. The total project budget is some 400,000 euros. In the 5th Gymnasium, the project is led by prof. Sanja Vrhovec Vučemilović, and prof. Svjetlana Vorel, while prof. Zrinka Pongrac Štimac and Marijana Žgela Putniković are professional advisors. The students participating in the project are classes 2b and 2f. The project ends on 31st August 2023.
The aim of the project is to deepen students’ knowledge of circular economy (redesign, reduction, recycling, reuse) and especially on the functioning of the process of remediation of soil and water through educational and lab activities and create a common European digital network for exchanging expertise in teaching and e-learning via webinars for teachers-mentors and students (eLibrary), the method of flipped classroom and interactive teaching, mobility of students and teachers, creating a CORE ePlatform and knowledge map. The project is based on the United Nations Sustainability Agenda (SDG2030) and continues the Erasmus + LOOP project in which 5th Gymnasium has been a partner for the third year, preceded by two more Erasmus+ projects on environmental protection and sustainability, NECST (A New Energy Culture – Sustainability and Territories) and ALL (Aquatic Life Lab).
The CiELO project aims to encourage students to explore the complex interrelationships of life on Earth in order to preserve or achieve environmental balance by turning them into specific project tasks, documentary essays and videos that students will realise through collaboration and mentorship.
Project work-methods include:
• Learning and collaboration on the project’s digital platform for teachers and mentors
• Creating ‘Elevator Pitch’ student videos
• E-learning for students via a digital learning platform
• Flipped classroom and interactive teaching
• Students’ field research in national teams (National digital dossiers)
• Field classes for students in international teams and production of videos
• Student mobility
Below are photos of the CiELO platform and partners, and of the 1st online TPMeeting in Dec 2020.
Prepared by prof. Sanja Vrhovec Vučemilović